SD33 Early Learning and Child Care

The Chilliwack School District provides various early learning and child care options. Our vision is to expand and enhance our range of services, offering families a selection of inclusive, accessible, reliable, and universally available early learning and child care programs.  

Contact Our Early Learning and Child Care Team


    .   Image-link to Resource Guide PDF



Early Learning encompasses the following programs:

Ready, Set, Explore!Welcoming preschoolers and their families to the school system.
Parent-Child Mother GooseStay tuned for future program dates.
StrongStartAvailable for children birth to 5 years old, accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
Little ExplorersAvailable for children birth to 5 years old, accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
Just B4 PreschoolAvailable for children who are 4-years old and heading into Kindergarten the following year.
KindergartenWelcoming students turning 5 by December 31st
Seamless Day/Before & After School CareAccessible for school aged children (Kindergarten to grade 5)